23 May 2011


I've just come back from an amazing trip around some European cities I've never visited before. My boyfriend and I decided we needed a break as it's been a tough couple of months, so we scraped our savings together and booked our train tickets to take us to Paris, Berlin and Prague (very low carbon footprint by the way and a great way to see the beautiful landscapes). We saw so much it hasn't really sunk in yet - it was a scenery, architecture and history overload!

Anyway, I thought I'd share some of my favourite graffiti from our travels. I'm like a geeky graffiti-spotter - I just need an anorak and a notepad. Maybe I should start up a new blog 'Graffiti from around the world'? Someone's already done it I'm sure, and I couldn't afford to travel about all the time anyway!
The pictures above are all from Montmartre, Paris. Below are some from Oranienstrasse in Berlin.

I love the image of the dog with wings - I want my own srcappy looking mutt with wings and stars on his side! Failing that, I would settle for a cat that poops glitter.

And last but certainly not least a piece of the Berlin Wall. We went to Checkpoint Charlie and the museum there. It was so moving to see how people were separated by the politics of the period and still attempted to cross the border despite the risks. Berlin has placed a brick path which crosses pavements and roads showing where the wall used to stand. It really hits home when you see just how Berlin was carved up and how the people suddenly found themselves on opposite sides of the wall.